When done correctly, pay per click (PPC) is one of the most effective and measurable marketing options available. It helps brands gain higher visibility on search engines like Bing or Google and attract visitors who are more likely to convert. However, PPC is still a concept that eludes many marketers and business owners. If you are struggling with your PPC marketing, this guide will help you grasp PPC marketing in its entirety so you can make the most out of it. Read on!


Five PPC management tips you should know.



1.     Perform keyword research


Keyword research is critical when running a PPC campaign, particularly when running a Google AdWords campaign. Keywords refer to a set of words or phrases used when creating an ad with the search terms your desired audience is searching for. A simple way of doing keyword research includes typing a relevant keyword on the Google or Quora search bar to see what your audience is searching for from the list of results showing at the bottom of your keyword. Additionally, you may use other effective keywords research tools such as Google keyword planner, SEMrush, and KWFinder.


2.     Track and test your PPC campaign


There is no telling if your PPC campaign is yielding its desired results unless you track its performance. Keeping track of your campaigns will help you determine how specific ads, keywords, and platforms are performing so you can plan future campaigns. Manual tracking of your PPC campaign results can be time-consuming, resulting in increased costs of doing business. But you do not have to do it manually. Automating your PPC reporting by incorporating a software solution that provides customizable PPC report templates can be a time-saver and ensure accuracy in your reporting.


3.     Improve your content


Even with the right keywords for your PPC campaigns, your efforts may not amount to much if the content of your ad isn't appealing. Ensure that your content addresses your audience's pain points. When your audience gets value from your content, they will be inclined to buy from you because informative content portrays you as an authority in your field. Make sure you follow content creation best practices. For example, you may need to avoid keyword stuffing which can make your content hard to understand. If you can't create content on your own, you can hire a freelance copywriter to do it for you.


4.     Negative keywords


A negative keyword is a keyword targeting strategy offered by search engine advertising platforms such as google ads which allows you to filter out keywords you don't want to be ranked for. For example, if you specialize in high-end jewelry, you may want to filter keywords like cheap jewelry. This means that your ad will not show to a person searching for cheap jewelry. You don't want your ad to appear to everyone because every click means more spending for you. If the wrong audience keeps clicking on your ad, your PPC campaign will cost you much but give low ROI.


5.     Fine-tune your campaign


When running a PPC campaign, you want your ads to reach a very specific audience. The best way to achieve this is by fine-tuning your PPC campaign to reach your target audience. For example, you may select your ad to appear on sites your target audience may visit or people with a certain behavior. Some of the available targeting options include placement targeting, contextual targeting, audience targeting, and topic targeting. With these targeting options, you can be sure that your ads will be seen only by individuals most likely to buy your product or services.